Hi, I’m Chris, a freelance designer based in Hackney, London.

I’m an innovative product thinker and creative problem solver. I like to tackle complex business challenges through user research, domain analysis, modelling techniques and strategic thinking. The resulting product designs are beautiful, intuitive and consistent.

You can hire me to help design your new product or tool, or redesign an existing one. I am based in London and available worldwide.

If your business needs my expertise then please drop me an email


  • Product Design
  • UX Design
  • Product Strategy
  • Concepting
  • Prototyping
  • Usability Reviews


  • Conde Nast
  • Farfetch
  • Aviva
  • Arrow
  • Vodafone
  • JP Morgan
  • Canon
  • HBO
  • Nescafe
  • Nature Publishing Group


Based in London and available worldwide



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